My client just purchased a home with a well. What next?

Posted: July 20th, 2022

All real property in Tarrant County falls under the jurisdiction of the Northern Trinity Groundwater Conservation District (NTGCD). NTGCD is a political subdivision of the State of Texas with responsibility to preserve, conserve and protect the groundwater resources of Tarrant County. Its statutory authority is defined in Chapter 36 of the Texas Water Code.

If you or your client intend to drill a new water well or operate an existing water well on newly acquired land in Tarrant County, the proposed and/or existing well is subject to NTGCD’s rules.

In the case of change of ownership of real property that utilizes a registered well, the new property owner has 90 days to complete an Application for Transfer of Well Qwnership and submit to the District. There is no charge to transfer well ownership.

Note: Domestic wells existing before October 1, 2010 are voluntarily registered, therefore not all domestic wells are registered with the District. Any well drilled after October 1, 2010 is registered with the District.