
Nearby Districts

The Northern Trinity GCD's Boundaries coincide with those of Tarrant County. If your well is located outside of Tarrant County, please refer to the following links for neighboring districts to find the appropriate district for your well.

Texas Well Owner Network (TWON)

The Texas Well Owner Network (TWON) program, offered by the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, provides educational training for Texas residents who rely on household wells for their drinking water. Well owners interested in learning about Texas groundwater sources, water quality, water treatment, and well maintenance are encouraged to join the network. You can also participate in upcoming Well Informed screenings and Well Educated training courses.

Region C Water Planning Group

The Region C Water Planning Group (RCWPG) is one of 16 regional groups created by the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) to develop and update a long-term, 50-year water plan for the state of Texas.

Groundwater Management Area 8 (GMA 8)

Groundwater Management Area 8 (GMA 8) was established to assist Groundwater Conservation Districts in their future groundwater planning efforts.

Texas Water Conservation Association (TWCA)

TWCA is a nonprofit policy association dedicated to the Texas water industry, focusing on water supply and management. Whether dealing with droughts, floods, or other water challenges, TWCA collaborates with its members to address the state’s most critical water needs.

Texas Water Development Board (TWDB)

The mission of the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) is to lead the state's efforts in securing a sustainable water future for Texas. This mission is integral to Texas' broader vision and aligns with the state's goals of preserving natural resources, safeguarding public health, and supporting economic development.

Texas Alliance of Groundwater Districts (TAGD)

The Texas Alliance of Groundwater Districts (TAGD) is dedicated to promoting and supporting the responsible management of groundwater, grounded in local conditions and sound science.

Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ)

The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality serves as the state's environmental agency.

Texas Secretary of State (SOS)

The Secretary acts as the Chief Election Officer for Texas, assisting county election officials and ensuring the consistent application and interpretation of election laws across the state.

North Central Texas Council on Government (NCTCOG)

The North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) is a voluntary association formed by and for local governments, aimed at helping them plan for shared needs, collaborate for mutual benefit, and coordinate for effective regional development.

Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR)

TDLR issues business and occupational licenses, certificates, permits, and registrations for the thirty-nine programs created by the Texas Legislature.

Water IQ

The Water IQ program is a statewide public awareness initiative that supports local and regional conservation efforts by extending the conservation message to communities lacking the financial resources for their own programs.

U.S. Geological Survey

The USGS offers scientific insights into natural hazards that endanger lives and livelihoods, as well as the water, energy, minerals, and other resources we depend on. We also assess ecosystem health and the effects of climate and land-use changes. Our scientists create innovative methods and tools to deliver timely, relevant, and practical information about the Earth and its processes.

TWDB Water Data Interactive

The Water Data Interactive link offers a range of maps, including those for water service boundaries, weather stations, flood conditions, ASR or AR suitability, groundwater data, the State Water Plan, and more.

Water IQ

Water IQ is a public awareness program designed to educate Texans about the importance of water conservation. Research indicates that when Texans have a better understanding of their water sources, they are more likely to actively participate in conservation efforts.

Water Testing in Tarrant County, Texas

The Tarrant County Public Health North Texas Regional Laboratory (NTRL) is a TCEQ- accredited facility certified to test drinking water.

4-H Water Ambassadors

The Texas 4-H Water Ambassadors Program was formed in an effort to educate youth about water resources in Texas.

WaterWise Conservation Program

Find program information for students and teachers, including guides for interactive learning on resource efficiency.

Upcoming Events

Office Closed- Holiday

March 31

Office Closed- Holiday

April 18 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Office Closed- Holiday

May 26

Latest News

September 25, 2024

Non-Exempt Well Basics

Information for Non-Exempt Wells

June 17, 2024

Quick Reference Guide: Well Registration, Spacing, Exceptions & Record Keeping

Quick Reference Guide for Water Wells in Tarrant County

May 28, 2024

Water Production Report Guidelines

Water Production Reporting Basics